Monday, April 6, 2009

002: Arcade Fire Musings

Listen, I love the shit out of Montreal. I've lived here all my damn life and I can hardly even imagine moving to Paris or New York once I inevitably hit it ridiculously big thanks to my infinite wellspring of talent and own more money than a person could comfortably fill a mattress with. And other people, if they share my love of this wonderful city, are cool in my book.

So it goes without saying that anyone who moves to Montreal despite our frigid winters, ridiculous potholes and underperforming Glorieux, reps Montreal, and, you know, makes it seem like Montreal is the place to be, is cool in my books.

So I have no beef outright with Arcade Fire.

But let's be honest, everyone: their music is pretty sucky. I know, I know! Pitchfork loves it. The Gazette loves it. Hipsters love the everloving shit out of it. Whatever. I have tried, I have tried so hard to get into them. I can't do it. Their music is boring. Face the facts, people. It's boring. Let's all go home now.

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